Association of single nucleotide polymorphism rs2065955 of the filaggrin gene with susceptibility to Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric carcinoma and EBV-negative gastric carcinoma
作者:Xiaojing; Kuang; Lingling; Sun; Shuzhen; Liu; Zhenzhen; Zhao; Danrui; Zhao; Song; Liu; Bing; Luo Department; of; Medical; Microbiology; Qingdao; University; Medical; College; Qingdao; 266021; China; Department; of; Pathology; The; Affiliated; Hospital; of; Qingdao; University.Qingdao; 266003; China; Department; of; Blood; Transfusion; The; Affiliated; Hospital; of; Qingdao; University; Qingdao; 266003; China